Fwd: Ironman CDA pics

June 27, 2008

Click on the IM Coeur D’Alene album Raja Lahti http://rajalahti.blogspot.com Sent from my iPhone … [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Ironman Coeur d’Alene

June 27, 2008

Stacy Dietrich & jennifer Yake are racing, anyone else? Good luck to all! Raja Lahti http://rajalahti.blogspot.com Sent from my iPhone

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I am a New Member

June 27, 2008

“MY NAME IS “Lisa” AND “Kate Stewart” INVITED ME TO SIGN UP FOR THIS LIST” Just wanted to say Hi

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Re: Hi!

June 27, 2008

Hi Ashley… Although I am not a member of LA Velo Bella – I have recently just got into cycling…I am training with “Team In Training” for the Leukemia &

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Re: womens only Mountain Bike clinic sponsered by Luna Chix 6/22 Sun

June 27, 2008

Is this for beginners too? … From: eva pinotti To: [email protected] Sent: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 6:14 pm Subject: [velobella]

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Reminder Meeting tonight – Monterey County Bicycling Advocacy Group

June 27, 2008

Just a reminder that the Monterey County Bicycling Advocacy Group will hold a meeting tonight at 6 p.m. at the First National Bank Community Room inside the

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Bicycle Trip Now A Kona Dealer

June 27, 2008


Bicycle Trip has long been a sponsor of Velo Bella’s Surf City races, and now we are happy to announce that Bicycle Trip is a Kona dealer too.

Independent and locally owned, the BICYCLE TRIP has enjoyed providing quality sales and service in Santa Cruz County for nearly 35 years. Our commitment to cycling and to the Santa Cruz community spans decades and includes two homegrown bicycle safety and education programs, "Bike Smart" and "Bike Shop At School."


Our mission is to get you riding and keep you rolling by offering the best products and service possible. We stock a wide variety of bicycles, parts and accessories to meet all of your cycling needs, whether you’re a professional racer, weekend warrior or diligent commuter.


We believe in cultivating community, promoting cycling as a solution to societal challenges like childhood obesity and global warming, and providing friendly and professional service for all.  

Bicycle Trip is located on 1127 Soquel Avenue in Santa Cruz, CA.



Pics of Bellas at the Owasco Flyer

June 23, 2008

Check out our Bellas in action:

(photos thanks to the Owasco Flyer Website)


Linda looking too cheerful.
Linda looking too cheerful.
Sue and her Bella Fella Jack
Sue and her Bella Fella Jack
Kate and Auburnite Andrew enjoying the scenery.
Kate and Auburnite Andrew enjoying the scenery.
Sue\'s little pack.
Sue’s little pack.
New Bella MJ! Alright, sistah!
New Bella MJ! Alright, sistah!
We need to work on that floppy fluff, but she’s got the tattoo looking perfectly spiff on her buff leg.
Kate gasping at the finish.
Kate gasping at the finish.
Sue finishing with a beaming smile...
Sue on the other hand, crossing the line with a beaming smile…
Linda fiercely finishes with finesse.
Linda fiercely finishes with finesse.

Sue’s Report on the Green Lakes Tri

June 23, 2008

Saturday 6/21/08
Green Lakes Triathlon; Green Lakes State Park; Fayetteville, NY
(aka Fayetteville Triathlon, Syracuse Triathlon or YMCA Triathlon)


This is where it all began for me one year ago…my first triathlon was here in 2007.  I never got around to documenting that first triathlon, but I do remember the terrible time I had during the swim leg.  I remember resorting to every stroke, even the doggy paddle, just to maintain some semblance of forward momentum.  I was seventh to last coming out of the water that first year!  This year I did much better.  I settled into a nice rhythm and even had the energy and presence of mind to enjoy the beautiful aquamarine blue water.  The lakes are each about 180 feet deep and swimming is usually confined to a shallow beach area.  As far as I know this triathlon is the only time that people can swim legally in the deeper portion of the lake.  I even managed to get my wet suit off without too much difficulty.  All other times I have swum with the suit on, I have struggled to remove it (in my mind I imagine it must be somewhat like having a full-grown octopus clinging to your arms and legs which you must remove before you can hop on your bike).  Who wants to bike 12 miles with an octopus clinging to them?  Once on the bike, I felt strong on the flats, but a little weaker than usual on the hills.  I did get a burst of adrenaline from fellow Bella Kate, cheering us on at the top of the steepest climb.  Amazing how someone screaming at you can do that.   Silly pride!  

It was a different story for me on the run, however.  Upon starting the run, I was seriously out of breath, even though my heart rate was reasonable, considering my exertion level.  I just kept telling myself not to worry about staying ahead of the other competitors, just to do my best.  I expected to get passed by some men, but deep down I was hoping to stay ahead of the other women.  I did end up getting passed by a couple of women, including one from Cazenovia whom I had met at a training clinic.  This was her first triathlon and she did terrific!  She even had a few words of encouragement for me as she passed by.  Somewhere between miles two and three, I was really starting to have trouble maintaining my pace and was starting to really slow down.  This also happens to be one of the prettiest views of the lake. 

Another runner passed me and again I heard words of encouragement and we commented to each other on the beauty of the lake.  Soon enough, I was approaching the finish area and by this time Janet (who had already finished her race with an awesome time) was there to cheer me on.  Again, another burst of adrenaline and I was able to get to the finish.  Janet and I walked around a little bit to cool down and search for Kate, but we never found her.  We both considered another dip in the lake to cool off, but realized we needed to get our gear out of the transition area so they could start tearing down the equipment.  By the time we loaded our gear into the cars, we were both ravenous and headed over to the picnic area where the volunteers had been preparing tossed salad, hamburgers and hot dogs.  Mmmm!  There’s nothing like some exercise to work up a hearty appetite. 

 All in all, I managed to shave almost six minutes off last year’s time, which I was very happy with.  I placed 8th out of 22 in my age category (final time = 1:28:15) and Janet placed 7th out of 12 (final time = 1:27:22).  Most of all, I am inspired to keep steady training and maintain my goal of Ironman Lake Placid in July 2010.  Hopefully I can convince Jan-O to tackle it as well!

 Finally, for those of you who might not have seen this yet, I’d like to leave with a link to a YouTube video – “The Triathlon Song.”  It sums up this wacky lifestyle perfectly.  Feels so good when you are done!

Owasco Flyer – Auburn, NY 2008

June 23, 2008

A little flair...

Four NY Bellas…

Sue K (Auburn Native)

Linda T (Another Auburn Native)

Kate S (moi)

MJ Kiggins (New NY Bella – who’d also done the Green Lakes Tri yesterday…)

Four stories. Only one stinking picture.

The weather cooperated – it looked grim this morning, but much to our delight, it was absolutely perfect. This race, a citizen’s 36 miler with over 200 participants, was twitchier than usual; the "controlled start" was anything but under control as we took off at 28 mph for the first 3 miles. Much jostling for positions, and shouts of "braking!" , "Slowing!" were troublingly reminiscent of the Tour de Loop which has been a notorious crash-fest.  I was even given a warning by the cycling god Glenn Swan, who did not like that I touched knuckles with him – he is not aware of my handling skills – it was not I who crashed later on – but it was probably not a good thing that I was quite that close to him.

My ride was with the fat pack until mile 24 or so when I just couldn’t bridge a gap on a hill – caught a ride with a little group of 4 or so, until I was dropped again, then rode the rest drafting a tall guy on the descents.  I ended up with 3rd woman overall, the woman who I beat so handily last year to get 2nd ended up winning today, which leads me to believe she just had had a bad day last year   


I’ll update when I get the scoop of the other perspectives…


1st W 40-49 Kate @ 1:39:13

11th W 40-49 MJ @ 2:20:33

1st W 50-59 Sue @ 1:47:15

2nd W 50-59 Linda @ 1:47:51  (a nail biter between those two!)


PS.  Super Spectating Ithaca Bellas were in the last hills all clad in their kits whooping for us – what a treat!  Thanks Amanda and crew!

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